Die vier Reiter der Apokalypse als Sims 3 Haushalt sind als Gruppe oder auch einzeln downloadbar und würden gern in Riders Castle wohnen.
Die Namen der Reiter und Pferde sind frei erfunden und haben keinen Bezug mit den Gestalten aus der Mythologie!
The four apocalyptic Riders with their horses as sims 3 household
EP Pets needes for horses
1. Rider
Assassins Creed Outfit (included) – capitalsims.blogspot.de
Crown Accessoire (not included) –
Bow Accessoire (not included) –
2. Rider
Medieval Warrior Outfit by MTS (not included) –
Sword Accessoire by cloudwalkernz (not included) –
3. Rider
Reaper Robe by MTS (not included) –
Reaper Gloves by MTS (not included) –
4. Rider
Zits Facemask by fuzzylogicdishwasher (not included) –
Mediaval Hood by MTS (not included) –
Medieval Clothes and Boots by MTS (not included) –
Sims 3 household Sims + horses by nowa24 – By use give credits to nowa2000.de
- Was wird benötigt?
- Sims3
- Ersteller
- Nowa24
- Costum Content enthalten?
- -
Riders of Apocalypse.zip
10,34 MB (4 Downloads)